BIO Jan Neva

I live and work in Helsinki, Finland. In the year 2000, I graduated from the Finnish Academy of Fine Arts, after which I continued to deepen my studies in the longest continually operated arts academy in the world, the Imperial Academy of Arts in Saint Petersburg. There, I received a classical education in painting under the tutelage of the most distiguished pedagogues.

My art reflects on the layered nature of history, as well as the temporality of human existence.

My paintings portray the transience of time and existence, carrying on the tradition of re-inscribing the legacy of western painting. Ephemerality has been immortalized in paintings and sculptures throughout art history.  I am intrigued by the idea of immortalizing things that are held to be beautiful and valuable. Through my works, I strive to draw attention to the merciless passage of time: in the end, all matter must inevitably perish and turn to dust amid the vast, unknown expanses of time.

My career as an artist has received international acclaim. I received an award at the Nordic competition of portraits, ”Portrait Now” at the Museum of National History at Fredriksborg Castle in Denmark 2013.

Nevas’s work is represented in most of the major Finnish public collections, as well as in countless private collections. 

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Olen Suomalainen taidemaalari. Vapaan taiteellisen tuotantoni ohella olen erikoistunut virallisiin tilausmuotokuviin. Valmistuttuani Suomen kuvataideakatemiasta kuvataiteenmaisteriksi vuonna 2000 lähdin täydentämään opintojani maailman vanhimpaan yhtäjaksoisesti toimineeseen taideakatemiaan, Pietarin Repin-Instituuttiin. Sain siellä klassisen taidekoulutuksen maalaukseen parhaiden pedagogien ohjauksessa. 

Sen jälkeen olen toiminut taidemaalarina 20 vuotta tehden lukuisista suomalaisista vaikuttajista muotokuvia. Taiteilijaurani on ollut kansainvälistä ja minut on palkittu pohjoismaisessa muotokuvakilpailussa: ”Portrait NowThe Museum of National History at Frederiksborg Castle.
